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prescription drugs

Patient misuse of medications widespread

NEW YORK — More than half of American adults taking prescription drugs misused their medications last year, according to a new study by Quest Diagnostics. Quest believes that the study, “Prescription Drug Monitoring Report 2016,” is the largest-ever examination of drug misuse based on physician-ordered lab tests. The misuse included potentially dangerous combinations with other

Generics resonate with consumers

NEW YORK — Americans prefer generic drugs to brands for both prescription and over-the-counter drugs, according to a new Harris Poll. Among those who purchase prescription drugs for themselves, nearly seven in 10 (69%) say, given a choice, they would opt for generics more often. Three in 10 go as far as saying they would

HDMA lauds FDA drug tracing guidelines

WASHINGTON — The Healthcare Distribution Management Association (HDMA) is praising the Food and Drug Administration for its flexibility pertaining to new product tracing rules, specifically on the FDA’s recently released guidance titled “Product Tracing Requirements — Compliance Policy.” The association had sent letters to the regulatory agency in November and then again last month in
