Wendy future of retail top


Retail’s role deserves acknowledgement

Retail’s role deserves acknowledgement

Retailing is making headlines in the consumer press these days — the wrong kind of headlines. Some samples include the following: • CVS is being accused of targeting African-American and Hispanic shoppers as more likely to cause trouble than are Caucasian customers. • Walmart has reluctantly agreed to lower the temperature — by one degree

Social media influential in shaping customer experience

Consumer-centricity in retailing is often cloaked in words about putting the consumer at the center of our business, but what will happen when consumers are the focal point of their own business? The use of social media changes the dynamic and puts consumers at the core of their own brand. Bad customer experiences, often the

Chain drug stores can flourish in omnichannel world

As if the obvious needed to be stated, the period of slow, evolutionary change in the retailing environment for drug, food and convenience items is long over. The arrival of pure-play e-commerce companies to food, drug and beauty retailing marked the end of evolutionary and the beginning of truly explosive revolutionary change. The battlefield is
