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Bruce Kneeland hosts new podcast focused on independent community pharmacy

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HILLER, Pa. — The Pharmacy Podcast Network (PPN) has entered into an agreement with independent community pharmacy veteran, Bruce Kneeland. The agreement calls for Kneeland to host a brand-new podcast show, Pharmacy CrossRoads, which will be added into the network’s program rotation. PPN is the largest and most listened to podcast in the pharmacy industry with thirty shows and more than 75,000 listeners.

Bruce Kneeland

The monthly podcast, with episodes averaging about 30 minutes in length, features Kneeland interviewing pharmacy owners, association executives, journalists, and senior executives from companies that support community pharmacy. The goal of each podcast is to provide pharmacy owners with information and inspiration that will help them improve patient care and operate more profitably.

The podcast can be found at: www.pharmacycrossroads.com

Much of the program’s content will draw upon Kneeland’s personal relationship with pharmacy owners he has met on his well-publicized pharmacy road trips. Still, the real meaning behind the podcast’s name comes from the fact that the profession, and the industry, are at a crossroad. The discussion of cost-effective ways to reduce medication mis-adventures, provide enhanced patient care and generate new revenue streams will serve as the core topics of each podcast, according to Kneeland.

In announcing the new relationship Eury says, “I have known Bruce Kneeland for several years. He has a unique ability to get pharmacy owners to share some of the management practices and marketing techniques they use. I am certain pharmacy owners will benefit by listening to his interviews.”


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