Wendy future of retail top

Omni health care drives need for collaboration

Omni health care drives need for collaboration

Only a short time ago, access to health care outside of traditional boundaries was fraught with regulatory, reimbursement, technological and other barriers, and patient/consumer trust and adoption were at low levels. Then the pandemic struck and turned health care delivery on its head. Once-formidable obstacles like reimbursement and HIPAA requirements were quickly addressed by regulators

Wholesalers give overlooked channel pivotal support

Wholesalers give overlooked channel pivotal support

NEW YORK — There is no question that consumer shopping behavior is forcing brick-and-mortar retailers, e-commerce providers and consumer packaged goods companies to look for new growth opportunities and ways of providing differentiated shopping and brand experiences. One channel that is growing, and often overlooked, is the independent pharmacy channel, at over 22,000 stores strong.
