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OTC medicines

Prescription-to-O-T-C switches are a win all around

Prescription-to-O-T-C switches are a win all around

Now is the time for Food and Drug Administration reforms designed to dramatically increase the number of prescription-to-O-T-C switches in the U.S. At a time when both political parties are pushing for transparency and pricing reform, the opportunity to align multiple agendas that benefit consumers, retail pharmacies and the health care system overall is too

Year of opportunity for OTC medicines

Year of opportunity for OTC medicines

The past year has brought much change, perhaps most evident in the recent national and local elections. As we welcome a new American president and Congress, the country is waiting to see how the regulatory and legislative landscape will evolve. But I am certain that one thing will not change: the continued importance of over-the-counter

For Rxs and OTCs, Americans favor generics

For Rxs and OTCs, Americans favor generics

NEW YORK — When given a choice in purchasing a prescription or over-the-counter drug, most U.S. consumers will opt for a generic product, a new Harris Poll finds. Harris said Wednesday that of the 2,255 U.S. adults it surveyed, 69% said they would pick the generic drug more often, and 30% indicated that they would
